The Voice of Love: Interpreting Compassion

Created on The Voice of Love, led by highly respected industry veteran Marjory Bancroft, is the only non-profit that we know of that offers interpreting training specifically for linguists who wish to work in social services environments to help survivors of extremely challenging life situations. The rules of court or conference interpreting, or even medical interpreting, simply don't apply here, and...

5 Things We Love About Our Subcontractors

We've had the pleasure of working with a small group of highly trusted contractors for many years, and our success depends on the quality of their work -- and their work is always stellar. For today's post, we wanted to list the top five things we love about them (you know who you are!). We are not talking about translation quality here, but about things that go beyond the actual high quality of their work. Unfortunately,...

Linguee: New Functionalities

Most of our dear colleagues have used Linguee for years, and it's a great tool. We always make sure to emphasize to our lovely students that Linguee is not  to be used as a substitute for high-level dictionaries, but rather a complementary tool.  There are some very powerful web tools that make translators' lives better, and Linguee is one of them (and one of the best, too, the other being the terminology...
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The entrepreneurial linguists and translating twins blog about the business of translation from Las Vegas and Vienna.