Introduction to Translation Starts 3/31

The new quarter at UC-San Diego starts next Tuesday, and Judy is delighted to be teaching two classes. If you are interested in taking these online courses, which are part of the English/Spanish Translation and Interpretation Certificate, read on and sign up! All classes are offered on the highly sophisticated,  but user-friendly online learning platform Blackboard. 1.) Introduction to Translation: This five-week...

Improve Any Translation: Do This

Today's post is part of the "Quick Posts" series, which are entries you should be able to read in five minutes or less and that give you specific advice that you can implement very quickly. We oftentimes get this question from students: How do I improve my second translation draft? Here are a few ideas: Deadline permitting: sleep on it. We are huge believers in negotiating deadlines that allow us to sleep on...

2-Day Court Interpretation Bootcamp: Vegas 3/28 + 3/29

Image: If you are looking for top-notch instruction to hone your court interpretation skills -- and perhaps to prepare for the Federal Court Interpreter Certification Examination in July -- you might enjoy this workshop in sunny Vegas next week. While the Nevada Interpreters and Translators Association (NITA), of which Judy is the proud past president, is not organizing the event, the organization is...

The Community Interpreter: Salinas, California

It's a great pleasure to announce a fantastic professional development opportunity to our readers and colleagues. Judy has trained with both the fantastic workshop leaders and highly recommends them! Tracy Young is the founding president of NITA, a long-time trainer for Bridging the Gap and Connecting Worlds, and also a registered nurse (plus a certified medical interpreter, of course). Katharine Allen is a graduate...

Job Posting: Full-Time Localization Specialists

As most readers know, full-time in-house positions in our industry are quite rare. Judy is one of the dying breed of translators who actually had an in-house position for many years, but prefers to work for herself.  However, there is much to say for the stability and regular income of an in-house position, and these jobs can also really help hone your translation skills, as you can really focus on translation...

Recommended Reading: Marketing Cookbook for Translators

Perhaps the best cookbook we own? This post marks the return of our recommended reading series, and this is the first book we recommend for 2015. As we've done for many years, we like to recommend good books to our readers. Our rules for reviewing books are simple: we receive quite a few unsolicited books, and even solicited books don't guarantee a review. In general, we see no point in writing unflattering reviews,...
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The entrepreneurial linguists and translating twins blog about the business of translation from Las Vegas and Vienna.