Jobs: Language Specialist at Netflix

Source: Just in time for the weekend, we wanted to share a job posting that a friend recently sent to us. We have no other information about this particular job nor are we getting paid to post it, but Netflix sure does sound like a great company to work for. The job is located in Silicon Valley.  We are copying and pasting from the company website's posting here: Language Specialist Los...

Small Talk Tips for Translators

Created on The old adage that we hear in our industry might be  spot on: most interpreters are fairly extroverted, while most translators tend to be introverts. Of course, that's an oversimplification indeed, and we know that there are always many exceptions to all rules, but in our many years in the industry, we have realized that translators struggle more with one important thing than interpreters...

Is Twitter Stupid?

Source: Every time we talk to colleagues, either casually or during some sort of formal conference, invariably someone will say: "Twitter is stupid. I don't get it." That was us six years ago, and we were wrong. Trust us, we joined Twitter kicking and screaming in 2008, when we couldn't really see the point. But the point is that all great ideas sound somewhat absurd in the beginning, think: the printing...

Interpreting in Jail: Is It Safe?

For today's interpreting topic, we'd like to focus on a very specific topic: interpreting in jail. Most certified or registered court interpreters will at some point find themselves inside the walls of a jail, detention center, prison, juvenile detention facility, etc. Of course, all interpreters have the option of turning down the assignment. If you accept it, here are a few things to keep in mind that Judy has learned...

Entrepreneurial Linguist Workshop in D.C.: April 18

Spring is in the air (almost) everywhere, including in Washington, D.C., our nation's lovely capital. Judy is excited to head to D.C. this week.  She is also very much looking forward to giving a two-hour workshop at the National Capital Area Translators Association (NCATA), a chapter of the American Translators Association. We know it is short notice, but the event will be at the popular Goethe Institute,...

Breaking News

Created on To start off the second quarter of 2015, we wanted to share some important news with all of you, dear readers. As you know, we've both been in the translation industry for a long time, and we've tirelessly worked to share knowledge, empower colleagues, improve rates and working conditions, and elevate the status of our professions (translation and interpretation) in general. It's been a...
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The entrepreneurial linguists and translating twins blog about the business of translation from Las Vegas and Vienna.