Link: 139 (Mostly) Free Tools for Translators

Today marked the publishing of a blog post by our dear colleague Alina Cincan over at Inbox Translation, and it sure is an exciting day for those of us who want to discover new software tools. This is, as far as we know, one of the best and most comprehensive lists of free (or almost free) tools for translators. In total, 72 translators, including Judy, contributed to this list, and we want to try them all out right...

Quick Translation Tip

Today's quick translation tip is simple and easy in theory, but not always that easy to do in practice. After you have finished the second draft of your translation, try the following. Read each and every sentence in isolation without consulting the source document and ask yourself these questions:  Does this sentence sound idiomatic in the target language?  Would I have written this if it weren't...

Language Lovers Blog: Voting Phase

Once again we are absolutely delighted to have been nominated in the Top Language Lovers 2016 competition! This humble blog has received several awards in the Languages Professionals category in 2011, 2013 and 2014, and it's an honor to be nominated alongside so many fantastic blogs written by our friends and colleagues. All of them are equally worthy of your vote, but we would be thrilled if you considered voting...
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The entrepreneurial linguists and translating twins blog about the business of translation from Las Vegas and Vienna.