Choosing a CAT Tool - Free Videos

If you either own a CAT (Computer Assisted Translation) tool -- also called TenT (Translation Environment Tools) or are thinking of purchasing one, chances are you have heard  the name of German translator and CAT guru Jost Zetzsche (and no, you don't have to pronounce it). Years ago, when we were looking for CAT tools, both for our business use and for corporate use when Judy was working as an in-house translation department manager, we turned to Jost for help, who very graciously answered all our questions. Jost has been a relentless advocate for CAT tools, a progressive forward-thinker in terms of technology, an expert on anything computer-related that makes translators' lives easier, and the publisher of an outstanding free computer newsletter for translators, the Tool Kit. He has also created Jeromobot (pictured); the modern patron saint of translators. You can follow him @jeromobot on Twitter.

Without a doubt, the best place to find out which CAT tool is the best for you is Jost's website, which is fee-based, but worth every penny. However, there is some fantastic free content, too: he has just added 20 excellent videos about tools that give you a great overview and should make your purchasing decision easier. If you like what you see, please consider supporting his efforts by purchasing a membership. 


Jost Zetzsche on September 13, 2010 at 11:01 AM said...

Thanks so much for all the good things you have to say about our work! The majority of videos at are actually free now!
Jost and Jeromobot

Judy Jenner and Dagmar Jenner on September 27, 2010 at 11:34 AM said...

Of course, Jost, well deserved. Take note, everyone: most videos are free now; that's wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Four years later, that web site does not carry videos anymore.

Any idea about how to trace those video or alternative solutions?
Thank you,

Judy Jenner and Dagmar Jenner on July 23, 2014 at 11:26 AM said...

@Frank: What a bummer! Unfortunately, we don't know where to find those, but we recommend contacting Jost Zetzsche, as he runs the website. Surely he can point you in the right direction! His website is

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