Last-Minute Holiday Gifts for Translators and Interpreters

If you've had a crazy month and forgot to get presents for your favorite colleagues, then you might be panicking at this point. After all, it's December 22, so there isn't much time left. However, there's no need to give up on gifts even if it's a bit late. The following are the only items we could come up with that are directly related to our profession and require no shipping and no wrapping. Happy holidays!

  1. The Translator's Toolbox: A Computer Primer for Translators  is the perfect guide for anything you need to know about technology (PDf files, operating systems, translation environment tools, terminology tools, online security, and much much more) by ATA technology guru, working translator, prolific writer and all-around great guy Jost Zetzsche. This 400-page, password protected PDF can be purchased via PayPal and is $50 ($30 for ATA members). In addition, there's the premium edition of Jost's incredibly popular newsletter (The Tool Kit), which you can send to your favorite translator (or interpreter) for $15. 
  2. How to succeed as a freelance translator by Corinne McKay. This is the second edition of what we've called "the bible for freelance translators." Without a doubt, this is the best how-to-get-started guide that's available. We love her printed book, but since you are pressed for time, you can order the e-book for immediate download here. It's $15. 
  3. Give the gift of good research by purchasing an annual subscription to the invaluable Payment Practices database. Expertly run by our wonderful colleague Ted Wozniak, there's no better tool than to research an LSP before you take a job than Payment Practices (PP). This might be the best $19.99 gift you could give a translator. 
  4. Chris Durban's The Prosperous Translator. We really enjoyed this very witty, well-written book (have a look at our review here), and it's available for immediate download for $16 here


bonnjill on December 22, 2011 at 7:51 PM said...

You forgot two - Mox's Illustrated Guide to Freelance Translation and a gift certificate for a dictionary from

Nelia on December 23, 2011 at 1:30 AM said...

Already have #2 and #4... and also your own book! Have a nice Christmas!

Talha on December 23, 2011 at 4:01 AM said...

This is a good list, it would help me find suitable gifts for translation professionals.

Stephanie Mitchel said...

Good morning! Thanks for the last-minute gift ideas. The Prosperous Translator is actually a $16 download according to (I'm sure it was a typo.) Happy holidays, and keep the info coming.

Judy Jenner and Dagmar Jenner on December 23, 2011 at 10:28 AM said...

@Jill: agreed, the Mox book is amazing; we love it! We did not include it because the recipient would not get it by the 24th; hence we only included downloads and the such that require no shipping. Looks like Mox does not have an electronic version. The gift certificate for InTrans is a great idea!

@Nelia: thanks for commenting, happy holidays to you as well. Glad to hear you own our book. :)

@Talha: happy to hear you like the list. It's a short one because these are all things that require no shipping.

@Stephanie: you are right, it is $16. :) Fixed. Happy holidays to you!

José Carlos Gil on December 24, 2011 at 3:57 AM said...

Some more ideas :)

(in Spanish)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for wonderful translation gifts! Merry Christmas!

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The entrepreneurial linguists and translating twins blog about the business of translation from Las Vegas and Vienna.