Call for Proposals: ATA Annual Conference

It seems that the fall conference season just ended, but time flies: the American Translators Association is already hard at work gearing up for the October 24 -27 conference to be held in sunny San Diego, California. We will both be there, and as usual, Judy will be submitting a proposal or two -- she's presented at the last three annual conferences. We'd love to see many first-time speakers, so if you have something interesting to share, don't be intimidated -- the conference is fantastic and it's a great opportunity to increase recognition in the industry. With the exception of pre-conference seminars, speakers do not get compensated for their presentations, but the main speaker of each session (you can present as a group if you would like) will receive $100 off their conference registration.

The deadline to submit the very short proposal is March 12. Click here to submit your proposal. See you in San Diego?


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The entrepreneurial linguists and translating twins blog about the business of translation from Las Vegas and Vienna.