Intro to Translation: Online Class at UC San Diego

On June 26, Judy will start teaching an all-online class for the University of California-San Diego extension. The five-week Introduction to Translation will give students the basics to get started in the industry. Judy has proudly served on the advisory board of the Spanish/English translation and interpretation certificate program at UC San Diego, and has now happily accepted to teach a few online classes. This class is part of the English/Spanish certificate program and costs $225. Fluency in both Spanish and English is required. We are big proponents of online education, especially in the US, where we have relatively few T&I programs, and UC San Diego is a fantastic program! Learn more and sign up if you are interested.  And yes, there will be homework. 


Judy Jenner and Dagmar Jenner on June 15, 2012 at 8:56 AM said...

Update from the university: sorry, there is now a wait list for this class, but some spots might open up during the next week or so. This class will also be offered in September (5 weeks) and November (5 weeks).

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The entrepreneurial linguists and translating twins blog about the business of translation from Las Vegas and Vienna.