Clients of the Month

This month, we'd like to anonymously take our hats off to three lovely clients. We are truly lucky to have such amazing clients, and every month, we are floored by their kind words and swift actions.

  1. World's fastest payer. Judy invoiced a customer via e-mail for a small project at 10:42 a.m., and payment was received at 10:45 via PayPal. This must be some sort of world record. 
  2. Lovely note. Dagy translated a business letter (part of a dispute between the client and one of his suppliers, who doesn't speak the client's language) for one of our long-term European customers. He answered Dagy's e-mail with this sweet note: "In my next life, I want to come back with your writing and language skills." We filed this note in our online file for rainy days.
  3. Everyone wants to pay. Judy recently interpreted at a wedding, and even though both groom and his new mother-in-law were insisting on paying the balance right after the wedding, Judy told them to enjoy the day and said she'd invoice them later. She sent the invoice to the mother-in-law, who had also paid the deposit. The client sent payment within two days (wow!) and also included a very nice thank-you note. A day later, the groom e-mailed, thanked Judy for her service, and said he wanted to pay right away. Judy told him his mother-in-law had already beat him to it.

What about you, dear readers and colleagues? Do you have any heartwarming client stories to share? We would love to hear about them!


Dolores on April 24, 2013 at 11:31 AM said...

Judy! You are so super fast and generous that I believe in Reciprocity (a situation in which two people provide the same help or advantages to each other) that will be always present in your life and I guess you will be ONLY surrounded by this type of clients!
You are a super fast payer as well, and things come back your way as well!
Unfortunately, here clients are really delayed. Usually, I have to spend valuable time in reminding them about payment when they are long due...
This is time consuming, of course.
Thanks for sharing and I hope we can only work with such great clients!

Judy Jenner and Dagmar Jenner on April 27, 2013 at 12:52 PM said...

@Dolores: Thanks for your sweet comment, amiga. Yes, we like to pay our own superstar contractors like you as soon as possible! We think it's the right thing to do. It is quite disheartening that non-payers and late payers truly abound in our industry....We really don't know how we got here.

Volkmar said...

World's absolutely fastest payer: One up on you, Judy. Did a translation of a contract for a colleague (first job ever for that particular person). Then took time out for a cuppa. On returning to my desk, I found that she had initiated a wire transfer to my account BEFORE I had had the time to raise an invoice.

Judy Jenner and Dagmar Jenner on April 29, 2013 at 9:25 PM said...

@Volkmar: Wow, that is very impressive indeed. A transfer before the invoice has even been sent? That colleague deserves the client of the year award for sure. Thanks for sharing that uplifting anecdote!

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The entrepreneurial linguists and translating twins blog about the business of translation from Las Vegas and Vienna.