Free SDL Webinar: May 9

Happy Friday, dear readers! We wanted to let you know about a free webinar that Judy will be presenting next week, courtesy of software giant SDL. There is no catch and nothing to buy -- simply sign up and attend. The topic will be "5 habits of highly successful translators: Customer service edition."

The webinar will begin at 5 p.m. BST, London time (GMT +1 hour) and will last an hour. That's 9 a.m. Pacific and 12 p.m. Eastern here in the U.S. The presentation will last roughly 45 minutes and Judy will take questions at the end. We will be using WebEx technology for this -- very easy and user-friendly, so if this is your first webinar, you will find it very simply to use. 

Please use this link to register and feel free to tell your friends!

Here is a short summary of the webinar's content:

Running a successful freelance translation business requires many skills, but we also must have good habits, especially when it comes to interacting with our customers and making them happy. After all, without clients, we don’t have a business. This webinar will be presented by Judy Jenner and will focus on 5 habits of highly successful translators and will specifically address customer interaction skills and habits.  You will learn:
  • That it’s fine to work in your Snoopy pajamas as long as your online presence, communication and interaction are professional
  • Why an e-mail message with a price does not constitute a price quote
  • Why you should honor odd-sounding customer requests


Anonymous said...

Already registered!!! Can´t wait for this excellent Webinar Judy! As I already told you, your insights and tips are the most useful and friendly to put into practice.
I will be there!
See you soon! Happy Friday!

Judy Jenner and Dagmar Jenner on May 5, 2013 at 9:10 AM said...

@Dolores: Awwww... thanks so much. I am blushing now. Looking forward to the webinar and to "seeing" you there as well! :)

EP on May 5, 2013 at 11:47 AM said...

But I don't have any Snoopy pajamas! Not yet, anyway. Good luck!

Judy Jenner and Dagmar Jenner on May 6, 2013 at 8:23 AM said...

@EP: It's ok! :) Any sort of outfit is acceptable!

Jesse said...


I was wondering if this webinar would be available as a recording, or if there would be another way to access it. I am really interested in it but was unable to make the time today.



Judy Jenner and Dagmar Jenner on May 10, 2013 at 11:00 AM said...

@Jesse: Thanks for your interest! Yes, the recording was just made available a few hours ago. Here it is for your listening pleasure:

georgiaef on May 11, 2013 at 4:47 AM said...

I watched the video recording last night and really enjoyed it. Needless to say that my next step was to get the ebook from Lulu. This is gonna be a wonderful weekend, so full of reading and plunging into so many interesting topics! Thank you Judy and Dagmar for sharing your precious insight with your fellow translators. Keep blogging, posting, writing and inspiring us all!

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The entrepreneurial linguists and translating twins blog about the business of translation from Las Vegas and Vienna.