InterpreTIPS: New Resource for Interpreters

Interpreting at a museum. Photo by Dagy.
We are delighted to announce that two wonderful colleagues (who happen to be true industry dynamos) launched a very useful website for interpreters. It's cleverly titled InterpreTIPS and it's a series of videos featuring Katharine Allen and Marjory Bancroft They answer questions about interpreting submitted by colleages around the world. The first three videos are already up, and they are a great source of information for both interpreting students and experienced professionals. We are particularly grateful that two accomplished interpreters and interpreter trainers decided to make this available for free for everyone, as there are relatively few excellent free videos of this type for interpreters. Thank you, Marjory and Katharine!

Have a look at their well-designed website and join the conversation! Please help us spread the word. 


khallen on December 20, 2013 at 1:57 PM said...

Thanks Judy, for highlighting the new InterTIPs page on the fabulous new The Community Interpreter website. We hope to keep them coming in the New Year and will soon be highlighting them at InterpetAmerica as well. Kudos to Marjory and her crew for getting this up and running and for thinking up the idea in the first place!

Anonymous said...

What a great resource! Thanks so much for passing this on Judy and Dagmar!

Marjory A Bancroft on December 20, 2013 at 2:03 PM said...

Super of you to share this resource and to have such kind words for us! You two rule and rock, and Katharine and I really appreciate your spreading the word. (I just typed the world!)

Wishing you and your readers the most amazing holidays filled with linguistic cheer!

- Marjory Bancroft

Judy Jenner and Dagmar Jenner on December 26, 2013 at 2:17 PM said...

@khallen: Our pleasure, dear Katharine! We look forward to following your lovely videos. What a great idea!

@Anonymous: Happy to hear that you like this, dear colleague.

@Marjory: We are all about spreading the word if the resource is as wonderful as yours. Yes, here's to linguistic cheer (love that).

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