Free: Practical Guide for Conference Interpreters

We are quite passionate about interpreting, and that includes teaching others. Dagy will start teaching consecutive interpreting (Spanish/German) at the University of Vienna in a few weeks, and Judy has been teaching an introductory course on interpreting at the University of California-San Diego Extension online for a few semesters. When we design our online and in-person classes, we constantly search for great resources for students that go beyond the standard (and truly excellent) textbooks for beginning interpreters. For beginning conference interpreters, AIIC, the International Association of Conference Interpreters, is a fantastic source of information. Membership is only open to the most experienced conference interpreters, but AIIC's website has a wealth of information that's free and available for everyone.

This fantastic free online guide includes the following:

  1. Before the conference: From contact to contract
    1.1 Inquiries, options, and firm offers
    1.2 Asking the right questions
    1.3 Conflicting offers and availability management
    1.4 Recruiters and working conditions
    1.5 Signing a written contract
  2. Preparing for the conference
    2.1 Information sources
    2.2 Glossary preparation
    2.3 Coordination with the organiser
    2.4 The pre-conference briefing
  3. The conference
    3.1 Getting there and setting up
    3.2 Volume and microphone protocol
    3.3 Quality interpreting
    3.4 When you are not interpreting
    3.5 Relay interpreting
    3.6 Crisis management
    3.7 Contact with delegates
    3.8 Media interpreting
    3.9 Consecutive interpreting
    3.10 Recordings
    3.11 After the assignment
  4. Other topics
    4.1 Professional ethics
    4.2 Stress and health issues
    4.3 Keep improving
    4.4 Training
    4.5 Research
    4.6 AIIC membership
  5. Conclusion


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The entrepreneurial linguists and translating twins blog about the business of translation from Las Vegas and Vienna.