35 Million Free Images

Thank you to Rose Newell, who tweeted about Getty Images' decision to make 35 million images available for free use for bloggers! This is good news for those of us who have blogs, but, as the BBC correctly points out, it essentially means that Getty Images, the world's largest photo agency, has given up, as it's just too challenging to patrol the internet for stolen images. 

We think it's essential to respect others' copyright, and on this blog, we have long used only purchased images, royalty-free images, or images we have taken ourselves with our very unsophisticated phones. We are delighted that we now have millions of professional images to choose from to make this blog even better.. We just created an account on Getty Images and downloaded the image you see on this page. The process was free and quick, and once you find the image you like, you click on "</>" (embed code) right underneath the image to copy and paste the image code into your blog or website. You will have to agree to the site's terms (=no commercial use), and you are on your way! Unfortunately, we could not align the image left without having to work in the code, so there are some drawbacks to sizing/positioning, but free images are great! Here's the BBC article about Getty Images' decision, and here is the link to get started.


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The entrepreneurial linguists and translating twins blog about the business of translation from Las Vegas and Vienna.