Translation Cartoons: LuComics

A few days ago, one of our lovely Twitter followers (Daniela Bottazi, @Vinglish_Italia)  tweeted a hilarious cartoon that we have included here in this post. It's been a few years since we discovered a new translation cartoonist (the last one was, of course, our brilliant colleague Alejandro Moreno-Ramos of Mox fame), and we are happy to report that Lu's work is great! She has a Facebook page and a Tumblr page as well.

The author is Lu, a 23-year old future literary and technical translator from Argentina. She also creates all her cartoons in Spanish, which is fantastic! 

Cartoon by LuComics,
We love her distinct style and spot-on commentary about our industry and wanted to spread the word about her work. Who knows, maybe she will come out with a book of cartoons similar to Mox soon? We'd be the first ones to buy it.

What do you think, dear colleagues? Do you like the cartoons?


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The entrepreneurial linguists and translating twins blog about the business of translation from Las Vegas and Vienna.