New Year's Resolutions: Buy a Colleague a Drink

It doesn't have to be top-notch. Image: Judy Jenner
As this wonderful 2015 comes to an end, we've been thinking about New Year's resolutions for both ourselves and for the profession at large. We think this is a lovely profession, but of course we can always make it even better. So we came up with one simple thing: pick out a colleague you do not know very well (yet), either in your city, at a conference, or when you are in their city for work or pleasure, and invite him/her out for a drink (or coffee, or whatever you would like). We think it's so lovely when colleagues come to our town and reach out to us, and of course we love taking them out for a beverage (adult beverage or not). It really takes relationships that may have only been virtual to the next level. It's wonderful to build relationships that ultimately strengthen our profession and extend our networks. Judy was in New Mexico for an assignment recently and made sure to look up a colleague she'd met at the ATA conference in Miami who lives in Albuquerque. They shared a nice meal in that city, and got to know each other much better than they have been able to do a large conference. 

And how about perhaps taking a colleague for a drink who is either new in town, new to the profession, or maybe even both? Let's start paying it forward, build relationships and friendships, and watch the positive impact for all of us! What do you think, dear colleagues? Will you join us?

With that, if you don't hear from us again this year: happy 2016! Time flies, doesn't it?


Claire Cox on December 28, 2015 at 3:50 PM said...

Lovely idea! A fellow translator contacted me recently having seen my name (and profession) in the local paper (complaining about the council's lack of publicity for their free Christmas parking campaign - but that's another story!) and then coming across my name again in a Facebook Group. She contacted me via Messenger and we had a fascinating "conversation" online, ending with a promise to meet up for coffee in the New Year. Looking forward to making that particular resolution come true. Happy New Year!

Judy Jenner and Dagmar Jenner on December 28, 2015 at 4:18 PM said...

@Claire: Thanks for reading and for commenting. Your story is so wonderfully representative of exactly what we meant with our post, and we are so delighted to hear it! We do hope you meet up soon and have that cup of coffee. Maybe we can start a tradition here....

Unknown on December 29, 2015 at 4:42 AM said...

It's a great idea! Sometimes, when I travel abroad, I wonder what it would be like to meet a local colleague. I invite fellow translators for coffee and cake (of course!) Once a month in Lisbon, Portugal. We're actually from seven different countries and we've been doing this for a year. I love it@

Judy Jenner and Dagmar Jenner on December 29, 2015 at 10:20 AM said...

@Vanessa: We love your idea of inviting fellow translators for coffee and cake once a month. How lovely! In the name of the profession: thanks for doing that! How great that you hail from seven countries. And yes, why don't you try this when you travel abroad? You definitely need to look us up. Happy 2016 to you!

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The entrepreneurial linguists and translating twins blog about the business of translation from Las Vegas and Vienna.