Professional Development in your Pajamas

The American Translators Association recently announced a way to make getting professional development points even easier: finally, webinars are here. This is especially great for translators who live in remote areas or who simply want to get professional development at a very reasonable price without having to leave the comfort of their homes. This fall's line-up includes well-known Corinne McKay, author of "How to Succeed as a Freelance Translator" and a fantastic free session on October 5. Presented by ATA director Naomi Sutcliff de Moraes, it will teach you how to get the most out of your ATA membership. Finally, we are happy to announce that Judy's "Entrepreneurial Linguist" workshop will be debuting the series on September 23. Log on and learn! The cost is $35 for ATA members and $50 for non-members for the 60-minute sessions.


Tom Ellett on August 24, 2010 at 11:35 AM said...

Kudos to the ATA for organizing the webinar series! Appropriately enough, Judy, your webinar comes the day before International Freelancers Day - a free online conference that also looks promising.

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