Free Webinar: Current Topics on Translation

Wake Forest University
We just received an e-mail from our friends at the Department of Romance Languages at Wake Forest University in North Carolina, which also has a great translation program. In honor of International Translation Day, they are offering a free webinar with fantastic speakers -- we like! To register, click here

The webinar will be held on September 29 and features the following topics:
  • Legal and Social Status of Translators in Colombia
  • CAT With Open Source Tools
  • Restricted Choices in Specialized Translation or Just Choices? Classroom Experiences
  • Heterogeneous Term Sources for Translation
Wake Forest also made an attractive flyer for the event, but Blogger doesn't let us post PDFs. Forgive us for this less-than-pretty format, but here is the information from the flyer (copied and pasted):

International Virtual Seminar
Free registration!

An invitation of:
MA in Interpreting and Translation Studies
Department of Romance Languages
Wake Forest University
Sept. 29th, 2012
9:00-12:00 m.

Legal and Social Status of Translators in Colombia
Gabriel Quiroz, University of Antioquia

CAT with Open Source Tools
Pedro Patiño, Norwegian School of Economics, NHH

Restricted Choices in Specialized Translation or Just Choices? Classroom Experiences
Tamara Cabrera, Wake Forest University

Heterogeneous Term Sources for Translation
Diego Burgos, Wake Forest University



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The entrepreneurial linguists and translating twins blog about the business of translation from Las Vegas and Vienna.