Proz Conference in Brazil: Final Countdown

The Fifth Annual Translation Conference in Recife, Brazil, is just around the corner (August 24 and 25), and Judy is delighted to be one of the keynote speakers! The program looks fantastic, and having a conference in a beach town sure is a draw, isn't it? Barry Olsen of the Monterey Institute of International Studies and InterpretAmerica is giving another one of the three keynote addresses and he's a truly outstanding public speaker. In addition, our dear friend Cris Silva, current president of the Colorado Translators Association, will also be speaking, and her presentations are always high-energy and very inspiring. This event is being organized, with great enthusiasm and efficiency, by Julia Chaad and Nina Cavalcanti of local language service provider MilkTrados. events typically outsource all organization to local language professionals, and we are very grateful to Julia and Nina for the hundreds of hours of work they've put into this.

If you are looking for some late-summer professional development and some beach time to boot, then this might be the perfect conference for you! Judy will be giving her Entrepreneurial Linguist presentation in English, which a fabulous colleague will be interpreting into Portuguese, as Judy's Portuguese is limited to three words. 

See you in Recife? If you will be there, be sure to drop Judy a line to coordinate a get-together


Nina Cavalcanti on August 8, 2013 at 4:44 AM said...

Judy, you are fantastic! Looking forward to learn a bit with your and all the others speakers experience!!


Judy Jenner and Dagmar Jenner on August 12, 2013 at 10:12 AM said...

@Nina: Our pleasure -- thanks so much for organizing this entire conference. Wow, leaving for Brazil next week. How exciting!

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The entrepreneurial linguists and translating twins blog about the business of translation from Las Vegas and Vienna.