The Veiled Interpreting Booth

As a follow-up to this week's raffle (congratulations to our winner Marina Meier!), we wanted to share the story behind what we've been calling "the veiled booth." This set-up is good enough, if far from ideal. A few months ago, Judy had a conference interpreting assignment at a large Vegas hotel. The number of attendees was well in excess of 5,000, and interpreting services were provided in six different languages...

What Is This? Enter to Win!

A few weeks ago, our friend and colleague Nataly Kelly, co-author (with our also friend and colleague Jost Zetzsche) of the marvelous book Found in Translation, donated several copies of the book to us. We will be raffling them off here on the blog, and tried to come up with a clever way to select a winner.  In the past, we have done this by having readers identify who is who (we are, after all, twins) in a...

Top Language Lovers: Voting Phase

We can't believe it's already been a year, but time flies, doesn't it? We recently received a notification that this blog had been nominated for Lexiophile's Top 100 Language Lovers competition. We are very honored to have won this category (language professionals blogs) before, so if you enjoy our blog and would like to vote for us, we'd very much appreciate it. You can vote for this blog (or a variety of other fantastic...

Translation Cartoons: Tina and Mouse A few weeks ago, we received an e-mail from Elena de Terán Bleiberg, a lovely colleague in Spain who is both a medical doctor and a translator. Oh, and she's a cartoonist, too, one who chooses a female translator as the progagonist of her very attratively drawn minimalist cartoons. Her sidekick is a cute little mouse, who is also quite wise and has some good insight. His or her name...

Webinar on Web 2.0 for Translators (German)

On June 4 and June 11, Dagy will present two one-hour webinars (in German) that are all about social media for translators. She will show you how to use social media to promote your services, get a solid online footprint, and attract more clients. This webinar is organized by the German association BDUE and should be a lot of fun! Dagy has a lot of experience addressing these topics, and she will help you overcome any...

Recommended Reading: 101 Things a Translator Needs to Know

We recently received our review copy of "101 Things a Translator Needs to Know," and evey though our reading lists are quite long, we had to read this one first (we devoured it in one sitting). Thanks to one of the authors, Chris Durban, for sending the copy. The short review is: we like it. A lot. Go read it. It's on the bookshelf! Picture by Judy. This nifty little book (it has no page numbers, but it appears...

Conflict and Resolution: An Example

Created with  Every Spanish court interpreter in the US has probably found herself (or himself) in the following situation: a Spanish-speaking attorney who is determined to intimidate or critique the court interpreter. Here in Las Vegas, we have a lot of Spanish-speaking attorneys, and their language skills vary widely, from virtually non-existent to completely fluent. Many professionals outside...
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The entrepreneurial linguists and translating twins blog about the business of translation from Las Vegas and Vienna.