Professional Development in Berlin: Meet a Twin

September and October are usually very popular months in the professional development world, and this year is no excception. The American Translators Association's 50th Annual Conference starts in NYC on October 28.

This weekend is the German association's (technically, the Federal Association of Translators and Interpreters) long-overdue national conference in Berlin, Germany. As opposed to the ATA, the BDÜ does not have yearly conferences, but when they do, it's a in grand style, including evening entertainment, dinners, cruises, etc. Dagmar, the European twin, will be representing the Austrian Translators' and Interpreters' Association UNIVERSITAS in her function as Assistant Secretary General. Be sure to say hello to Dagmar at the conference! We are already impressed by some of the BDÜ's ideas, including an customized electronic conference planner, which is certainly much more sophisticated than the paper-and-pencil schedule that we are forever altering at the ATA conferences. Both of us already went to Berlin earlier this year, and that's where this picture was taken.

For more information about the BDÜ conference, titled "Interpreting the Future," please visit their official website. It looks like it will be a very popular event with more than 1,600 linguists registered. The event is September 11 -13.


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