We Will Miss You, 2010! Will You?

As we put the finishing touches on our last projects of 2010, we realized that we haven't really had much time to  reflect on our year, and that's because we've been buried in work (which is a good thing). It certainly didn't feel like the recession (or end of the recession) to us, and we had the opportunity to sign a good number of repeat customers this year, for whom we do projects on a weekly -- and sometimes even daily -- basis. In addition, we were able to capitalize on our business development efforts and established business relationships with several dozen new clients on both sides of the Atlantic. We will definitely miss 2010: our book was released to excellent reviews, we were able to work together in person for almost three months, we attended and spoke at many outstanding conferences around the world, we won several awards, we worked on the boards of directors of our regional and national associations, and we had the chance to spend time with our wonderful friends and colleagues. That said, we would like to improve on taking time off: we really are not very good at fully leaving work behind and are constantly lugging our laptops around.

We are sad to see 2010 go, but we look forward to another prosperous, rewarding, healthy and fun 2011! We would love to hear how you feel about 2010: was business good? Was it a struggle? Are you happy that 2010 is finally coming to a close? We have heard mixed reviews from our colleagues -- some had fantastic years, while for others it was just a slow recovery from 2009. 

Happy 2011 to our dear friends and colleagues around the world!


Nic at CrossLingo on December 30, 2010 at 12:24 PM said...

That really is a great year. Congratulations! Mine wasn't so bad either. :) Have a great 2011!

Thierry on December 30, 2010 at 12:49 PM said...

Let's just say that I'll miss 2009 more than 2010. Several regular gigs disappeared, I had payment issues with some clients... I just hope 2011 will be better and that I will find new regular clients.

I also hope to make a better use if the good pieces of advice we get around here :-)

Esther at TransSense on December 31, 2010 at 5:41 PM said...

It is great that some colleagues have remained unaffected by the recession and its aftermath. You must be doing something right. :-)

I have mixed feelings about 2010 and therefore will not miss it as much as you will. Finishing my studies as translator and interpreter and becoming self-employed are definitely one of 2010's highlights. However, it has been challenging to convince agencies and other clients of the importance and quality of my degree as well as the experience and expertise that come with it.

For the coming year I wish all of us a steadily growing amount of work and an extension of our client base.

Happy New Year!

Tess Whitty on January 3, 2011 at 3:05 PM said...

Congratulations to a great year! I cannot say that I will miss 2010, since I am so looking forward to 2011. Not that 2010 wasn't a good year, quite the contrary. In 2010 I reached my income goal, I kept my most valuable clients and gained some new ones, but most importantly, I achieved a better work/life balance and learned some useful time management techniques. I also finally started using my educational and professional background in marketing for my own business, thanks to "The Entrepreneurial Linguist". All the best for a successful and prosperous 2011 to you!

Judy Jenner and Dagmar Jenner on January 4, 2011 at 12:53 PM said...

@All: thanks for your nice comments and for sharing what 2010 had in store for you. Let's make it a great 2011 for all -- we have a wonderful group of colleagues and friends around the world, and it's fantastic to be part of such a supportive community.

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The entrepreneurial linguists and translating twins blog about the business of translation from Las Vegas and Vienna.