Link: Basic SEO for Linguists

This month, the Institute of Translation and Interpreting's Bulletin published one of Judy's article, which addresses an issue dear to every website owner's heart: search engine optimization. Inspired by all the strategies and tips that Judy has learned from our IT guru, Tom Gruber, she put together an easy-to-read article with tips and tricks. The article contains no hard-to-understand jargon and is written from one linguist to another: not from one techie to another. Translation: it's written in plain English.

While Judy does hold the copyright for all her articles, we've also verified with the Bulletin's wonderful editor, Rachel Malcolm, that we have permission to use Judy's articles on our forums, including our upcoming book. Please consider joining the ITI in the UK, which is a fantastic organization for linguists. Their outstanding bimonthly printed newsletter is included with membership.

We hope you enjoy the "Basic SEO for Linguists" article. We'd be most interested in hearing additional strategies for SEO. There's always a lot to learn!


Lisa Davey on January 25, 2010 at 6:28 AM said...

A very useful article, Judy. Thanks for publishing it here.

Judy Jenner and Dagmar Jenner on January 25, 2010 at 3:12 PM said...

@Lisa: We are happy to do it and are glad to hear you find it to be useful. It took us a while, for some reason, to realize that we should post these articles. We've compiled some of them on our website: if you'd like to read more articles.

Sarah - Internet Marketing for Translators on January 29, 2010 at 6:46 AM said...

Thanks Judy, I am always interested in SEO for translators and other linguists as internet marketing is one of my passions along with translating. I also find it interesting that linguists tend to neglect their marketing efforts online (possibly too busy translating!). Have a look at my new blog (link in my name), hope you find it as interesting.

Anonymous said...

Judy, I am a new member of ATA and have been following your articles in The ATA Chronicle. I find them not only useful, but fun and easy to read.

Looking forward to your next article!

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