ATA Mid-Year Finance Seminar: Register Now

May 1 -2 is an important holiday weekend in many European and Latin American countries, but in the U.S., it is just another late-spring weekend. For those of you looking for continuing education points to keep your ATA certification current, those who did not have a chance to go to the ATA annual conference in New York, and those of you who specialize in financial translation: the ATA/DVTA finance seminar might be for you. The seminar, which will be held in Philadelphia, is conveniently located for all those East Coast linguists who might not be able to attend the annual conference, which is in Denver this year.

The ATA is holding this seminar in conjunction with the Delaware Valley Translators Association (DVTA), which was kind enough to invite Judy as the speaker for Sunday morning. She has a tough act to follow -- former ATA president Marian Greenfield and Stephanie Tramdack Cash, a well-known financial translator and former securities analyst. Judy hopes to see/meet many of her colleagues in Philadelphia. To register for the conference, please visit the ATA's website.


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