Of Peanuts and Monkeys

Thanks to Twitter, we just heard about a like-minded movement/blog that is encouraging all linguists to stop working for, well, peanuts. We couldn't agree more: we could have written the blog ourselves! The tone of the blog is funny and straightforward: if you think you are getting paid too little, stop accepting those jobs. Of course, the realities of the marketplace are complex and challenging, and individual situations vary greatly. However, this is a message we cannot hear often enough: let's professionalize our profession...

Disposable E-Mail Addresses

Our almost-weekly technology tip comes, as always, from our IT superhero Thomas Gruber. Today's topic is so-called disposable e-mail addresses. There are a variety of uses for them, including using them to get free stuff online, such as e-books or free software. While we love taking advantage of free stuff, and thank the many people who make the products available, we are increasingly weary of giving our business e-mail addresses. One never knows if our e-mail addresses could be sold or otherwise used in ways we don't approve...

Too Many Open Browser Tabs = Bad

Today's technology tip comes, as always, from our IT superhero Thomas Gruber, who has long been on both our cases about having too many broswer tabs open (we use Firefox). Judy is especially guilty of this. Thomas just sent us information that too many open tabs, in addition to slowing down your processes and loading times, could also leave one very vulnerable to phishing attacks (hackers trying to mine one's confidential...

Top 100 Language Blogs

We are delighted that some of our wonderful colleagues have decided to nominate Translation Times as one of the Top 100 Language Blogs. The list is compiled by Lexiophiles, and it's a big honor to even be considered. There are four different categories, and Translation Times is listed in the Translation Professionals section. While there are hundreds of fantastic blogs to vote for, many of which are written by our talented linguist-friends around the world, we'd love to have your vote if you really like our blog. We've already...

One-Day Conference: Utrecht, June 4

Who says there is no professional development in the summer? Between May and August, many regional and national associations in both Europe and the U.S. are hosting great conferences and seminars. We wanted to mention one in particular, which is quite unique: it is organized without the help of any translator and interpreter association, and it's the brainchild of two Dutch translators, Annie Tadema and Astrid van der...

The Lighter Side: The Office Assistant, Part II

After we wrote about our Vegas office assistant, we just had to write about our feline assistant, Junia, how works in the Vienna office. She's a 10-year-old tabby (her birthday party is coming up), and is originally from Vegas, where Judy rescued her from a shelter. She's since moved to Vienna, where she helps the European side of our business by keeping the scanner warm (by curling up on top of it), and making sure...
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The entrepreneurial linguists and translating twins blog about the business of translation from Las Vegas and Vienna.