The Lighter Side: The Office Assistant, Part II

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Mouki was a rescue Border Collie we adopted. He died last week at the age of 14 from cancer. My office feels so empty.
A couple of his idiosyncratic "office assistant" behaviors:
1 - Flopping down right *on top* of all my papers which I would spread out on the floor each quarter at VAT time. See picture:
2 - Going absolutely berserk (growling, whining) whenever I talked on the headset (phone or skype) but *never* the regular phone handset...why??
3 - "Talking" in his sleep (barking) during conference calls ("Sara, is that your dog I hear in the background?).
I miss him!!
I have my own office assistant: an 18-months-old toddler that sits at her own desk with her blue-and-red laptop and types next to me. She sometimes likes to take off all my dictionaries from the shelves and other times she steals my mouse.
And I have a dog as well, but she has more than 600 sq feet on the backyard to play, so she doen't like it very much inside my office.
I have to share my office assistant, Oscar, with the other freelancer in the house, my wife, who recently posted a picture of him "at work" here:
I have 3 adorable assistants, (Cats) named Jose Pancho, Stela and Abby. I adopted them from the streets of Guadalajara Stela loves to sit on the computer and make all the different whistles and bells go off. Pancho is a little wierd. He loves apples and lettuce but is so sweet.
Off the subject Thank you Judy for a very good conference in Chicago. You did a great job and if you or your sister or both of you or whoever comes to Guadalajara, let me know.
Anne Seidenberg
I have a very special office assistant : Sophie, my 1 year old, 3 lbs, long haired Chihuahua.
Sophie spends her days sitting on my lap while I work on the computer.
She even runs office errands with me. Some stores like Office Depot don't mind Sophie's presence while I shop. She just stays in her carrier and serves as my personal shopping consultant.
My Office Assistant is Sophie, my 1 year old, 3 lbs long haired Chihuahua. She sits on my lap while I work at the computer and she is my assistant when I run errands for the office. She even advises me at Office Depot when we go there shopping.
I have two office assistants, a short and a long haired wiener dog, both native Americans (i.e. I brought them with me from the States), who also yet have to pass the "No barking when clients call (both on the phone and in person) test". But they get me out of the office regularly, and occasionally also function as lap warmers.
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