3000+ Translation Glossaries

A few weeks ago, our colleague Alina Cincan in the UK (managing director of Inbox Translation) contacted us to let us know that she was working on a list of more than 3,000 translation glossaries (yes, 3,000). This very well-researched list is now live, and we have to say it's quite impressive indeed.

It's divided into a wide variety of categories (120 to be exact), including such diverse topics as medicine, weights, printing, beauty, mythical creatures, text speak, gambling, nutrition, noble titles (yes!), food, measurements, math and much more. This is quite possibly the most extensive list of translation glossaries we have ever seen, and would like to thank Alina very much for undertaking this massive project for the benefit of all! The vast majority of these are monolingual and are very helpful.

Here's the link to the 3,000+translation glossaries.


Alina Cincan on August 6, 2014 at 12:33 PM said...

Hello, lovely ladies. Thank you so much for the nice words and for this post. I am really glad you love the resource. The most fun to research was the one on mythology and monsters. I was really passionate about Greek mythology as a child.

Judy Jenner and Dagmar Jenner on August 7, 2014 at 1:38 PM said...

@Alina: Our pleasure, Alina! What a lovely list you have put together. In the name of all your fellow translators and interpreters: thanks again. We've sent a link to your site to our T&I students as well, who are loving it.

Natalia Eydelman on August 28, 2014 at 2:51 PM said...

Thanks for putting this list together! Have just shared it with my Translation Studies students. We love it!

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