2-Day Court Interpretation Bootcamp: Vegas 3/28 + 3/29

Image: Linkedin.com
If you are looking for top-notch instruction to hone your court interpretation skills -- and perhaps to prepare for the Federal Court Interpreter Certification Examination in July -- you might enjoy this workshop in sunny Vegas next week. While the Nevada Interpreters and Translators Association (NITA), of which Judy is the proud past president, is not organizing the event, the organization is helping promote this two-day workshop here in Vegas presented by well-known interpreter trainer  and federally certified English/Spanish interpreter Alfonso Villaseñor.

Record your renditions!
This might also be ideal for court interpreters in colder climates (pretty much most of the country), as it's currently in the low 80s in Vegas. You might want to combine a trip to Vegas (affordable hotels in the newly hip downtown) with a top-notch professional development opportunity. And for the record, and as always, we are not getting paid to promote this event. Rather, Judy will attend this workshop herself. While Alfonso Villaseñor does not have a website where you can read more about his workshops, please rest assured that he's a fantastic trainer with a lot of experience. His style is also quite unique, and we've both had the pleasure to hear him present at an ATA conference. As opposed to many interpreter trainers and courses targets at those court interpreters preparing for big exams, Alfonso focuses on technique rather on the simply memorizing terminology, which we think is a fantastic idea.

So here's the link to NITA's website, where you can find more information about this event. It's coming up -- next week! The cost is $500 for two days, and it appears to be well worth it.

If you have any questions, please be sure to contact Alfonso Villaseñor directly by clicking here. Note: this workshop is language-neutral.


Anonymous said...

This workshop is designed to challenge students of all skill levels, and it's also a lot of fun!!! There is still space available, and the discount deadline has been extended, so sign up right away!! Alfonso Villaseñor

Judy Jenner and Dagmar Jenner on March 24, 2015 at 5:24 PM said...

@ALFONSO: Sounds like a lot of fun indeed. See you this weekend. Very much looking forward to the workshop.

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The entrepreneurial linguists and translating twins blog about the business of translation from Las Vegas and Vienna.