Job Posting: Full-Time Localization Specialists

As most readers know, full-time in-house positions in our industry are quite rare. Judy is one of the dying breed of translators who actually had an in-house position for many years, but prefers to work for herself. 

However, there is much to say for the stability and regular income of an in-house position, and these jobs can also really help hone your translation skills, as you can really focus on translation without having to spend time on other things (marketing, accounting, etc.). That said, there were a lot of meetings that Judy used to have to go to, and not all were productive. But we digress. One of the challenges with the requirements for these positions is that employers mostly want highly experienced linguists, and chances are that these highly experienced linguists already work for themselves (statistically and anecdotally). And it's pretty darn hard to convince established self-employed linguists to go to an office every day and sit in a cubicle, even if the job is very cool. Which leaves the less experienced linguists, who tend to be younger and more interested in a steady job so they can start building their careers. But of course they don't tend to have much experience, creating quite a dilemma. There's no easy solution to this, but this is an issue that Judy ran into frequently when trying to recruit linguists with experience for her in-house team years ago: she just couldn't get experienced people to apply. Now, on to the job posting, we promise!

We just saw these positions announced on one of the listservs of the American Translator Association, where a lovely colleague posted it for all to see. We wanted to share it with all readers here, but want to emphasize that we do not know the company nor do we have any additional information.

There are several jobs for localization specialists, and they are all located in Bellevue, Washington (gorgeous Seattle, basically). Motiga is a company that produced games, which sounds quite fun to us, even though the only game we were ever allowed to play as kids was Pacman at the arcade.

We had a look at Motiga's website and got the impression that it would be a great place to work, but as we said, we don't know anyone there (nor is anyone paying us to post this). For further information, please click on the link above. Best of luck! We'd love to hear if one of our readers gets one of these positions.


Judy Jenner and Dagmar Jenner on March 11, 2015 at 11:48 AM said...

Update: We just heard from Motiga via Twitter and they say that they are willing to pay relocation costs. Please contact them for further details!

Skrivanek Group on April 9, 2015 at 10:50 PM said...

Thanks again for being a leader in our industry. Always great to see localization jobs in demand. Best of luck to everyone :)

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