The Community Interpreter: Salinas, California

It's a great pleasure to announce a fantastic professional development opportunity to our readers and colleagues. Judy has trained with both the fantastic workshop leaders and highly recommends them! Tracy Young is the founding president of NITA, a long-time trainer for Bridging the Gap and Connecting Worlds, and also a registered nurse (plus a certified medical interpreter, of course). Katharine Allen is a graduate of the newly renamed Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey (formerly the Monterey Institute of International Studies, MIIS) MIIS) and the co-president of InterpretAmerica. She has given many workshops across the country. Both Tracy and Katharine are highly dynamic speakers with several train-the-trainer workshops under their belts. Their styles are very similar in the sense that they use the Socratic method more often than not -- and their hands-on exercises are fantastic. Judy is a graduate of Tracy's fall 2009 Connecting Worlds workshop, where she learned much of what she knows about medical interpreting. Katharine has given several workshops for NITA, including a popular afternoon of simultaneous interpretation and another one of note-taking. You can't go wrong with these two trainers! Ah, we are so excited about this workshop that it even seems like they are paying us - but we assure you they are not. We are merely posting this as a courtesy to everyone, and because top-notch professional development is always worth it, but sometimes hard to find (there are a lot of pseudo-qualified trainers out there, but we digress).

The Community Interpreter (TCI) is a 40-hour workshop for medical and community interpreters that's required to take the natioanal interpreter certification exams for medical interpreting. It is the only 40-hour training course in the US that specifically teaches community interpreting. It was developed by industry leader Marjory Bancroft of Cross-Cultural Communications. TCI goes a bit beyond Bridging the Gap and Connecting Worlds, and the curriculum looks fantastic. Participants who wish to receive the certificate of training at the end must be tested for language proficiency (the fee is included in the total price). Note: this workshop is language-neutral.

The workshop will be held at Natividad Medical Center in Salinas, CA, during the last week of April. For additional information and to sign up, please visit the website


khallen on March 11, 2015 at 1:16 PM said...

Thank you Judy, for your generous and enthusiastic post. The Community Interpreter(R) is a unique training out of the various 40-hour interpreter trainings offered. Whether you interpret in medical. community or legal settings, it has many tools and tips that help interpreters navigate the many settings they interpret in. I'm thrilled to be co-training with Tracy Young. She will help take a hands-on training to an even more participatory level. Katharine Allen

Judy Jenner and Dagmar Jenner on March 24, 2015 at 5:23 PM said...

@Khallen: Our pleasure, dear Katharine! Surely this will be a fantastic workshop. Tracy and you are both outstanding trainers. Have fun!

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